Summer History Program for Children ages 7-12

For children ages 7-12:  We will look at Chester’s history in programs that will be fun, interesting, interactive, and relevant.  There will be 4 sessions: June 23, June 24, June 25, June 26.  Each day will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.  More details about each session can be seen below. 

Session 1 (June 23):  “Chester History: Made in Chester”:  Learn about and try out some of the many things produced in Chester’s factories.  Make an original board game of Chester’s history!  

Session 2 (June 24):  “At Home in Chester”:  You will have experiences you might have had in Chester if you lived here over 100 years ago, including making bread and butter; and making your own basket with Sosse Baker.  

Session 3  (June 25):  “Chester Artists”:  Come and learn about some of the artists in Chester’s history--and those who are making history.  Try out using their styles to create your own art. 

Session 4  (June 26):  “Chester Fair Day”:  Come to the Meetinghouse and experience what the Chester Fair was like more than a hundred years ago. Learn how it has changed.   

Children can attend any number of sessions, but registration is required.  The program is FREE for children of Chester Historical Society members.  Non-members:  $30 for all four sessions or $10/day. (Membership information here.)

Class sizes will be limited and filled on a first come first served basis.  If a session fills up, we will keep a waiting list.   

This is the fourth summer this successful program has been offered by the Chester Historical Society.

The registration form is here. Deadline for registration:  June 1